Page 143 - 2003 Tomahawk
P. 143
Sherod Keen and Stephen Kimball take a break from
playing at the football game to take a quick picture.
Left: Melissa uckle may be
on the dance team, but she
st1ll loves hang1ng out w1th her
favonte band members Aust1n
DaVIS and NICOle R1ce.
Right: The marching band is
very proud of the1r new trailer.
It's the best around'
Below: The JazZ band IS full of
soul. the members are: Lance
Barfield, Troy Cawthon.
Darren Dav1s. Enc Deem.
Blake Hacht, Patnck Hartley,
Ryan Hiers Sherod Keen,
Stephen Kimball, Brandon
Keys. Enn Mock. Steven
Porter, Angel Sepulveda, Molly
Shon1ker, and Jesse Sm1th.
was busy playing at all of the
Indian football games and in high
school pep rallies. Aside from this,
The Warrior Band also
represented Fort White High
School around surrounding
communities in the area of
parades. They marched in the
Veteran's Day parade and
Christmas parades in Lake City
and High springs, as well as
performing in the District IV
marching assessment in October.
The band also presented a
Christmas and Spring concert.