Page 121 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 121

                                          I fina it imyossi6{e to 6eueve tfiat you are
                                          graauating from fii(Jfi  scfzoo[ It seems uR.e
                                            yesteraay tfiat I yut you on tfze 6us for
                                        R.intfergarten, you were excitea. .. I criea a{{ tfie
                                          way 6acR.  fiome.  13ut you fiave  a{ways 6een
                                          inaeyentfent, focusea ana you fiave a{ways
                                       R.nown fzow  to go after wfiat you wanted: I'm so
                                      yroua of you for wfiat you fiave accomyusfiea in
                                       tfie face of aaversity ana for your strengtfi ana
                                         strong wi{{ tfzat wi{{ taR-e  you far in {ije.  you
                                       fiave grown into a 6eautiju{ young woman, witfi
                                         a 6rigfzt ana umitfess future. I wi{{ a{ways 6e
                                       fiere  to suyyort you ana stana 6efiina you wfien
                                       you nee a me, 6ut afso to taR-e  a stey 6acR.  ana fet
                                         you f{y on your own. I {ove  you witfi a{{ my
                                                  fzeart ana sou[ Love, Mama
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