Page 123 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 123

                                                                          I want you to know that I am
                                                                           Very proud ofyou! I can't
                                                                           Believe that  enior year i
                                                                        Finally here!  I am  o glad that we
                                                                        Have been be  t friend  for  uch a
                                                                      Long time, your like a  i ter to me and
                                                                    I love you very much!  I hope that you know
                                                                   That I will alway  b  there for you no matter
                                                                   What, and we will alway  be clo  e, even atlt:l,_-...iiiii::::!
                                                                     -~-. High  chool i  over!!!
                                                                               I love you girl!
                                                                              A hley William

   IT'.  YO  R T  R  DA   HT  R

    When  pring breeze  blow and
         ummer  almo  t h  re,
     graduation time roll  around,
      ju  t like it d   every year.
     But thi  year if  more  pecial
        than an  year b  fore.
     M  daughter  it  your tum to
         op  n up that do  r.
     You'r  going to I  k  o pretty
   your cap and gown, and  I kn  w \\-hen
     I  ee you I' II  want to fall down.
      o matter where life take  you
   each and everyday, ju  t rememb  r. ..
        how proud of you  I am
       on your graduation day!!!

          I love you dear!  ,
               M  M
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