Page 149 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 149
OCT Club S'Acetheart - Lynsey Keen and
StC\Cn Chambcrlam
Diversified ooperative Training i In addition, it teache career coun-
a program that offer student the eling, job preparedne , and job
opportunity to leave school, work exploration.
at a part-time job, and earn chool
credit, a· well a a paycheck. tu- D T in till courage in tudent to
dents mu t be classified as a Junior urvive for their goal and a pira-
or enior upon entrance into the tions. It enables the tudents to ac-
program and it is taught by Mrs. compli h their feat with pride and
Debbie pencer. honor.
It provide tudents with many
advantage , e pecially in elf-
improvement, uch as building
confidence and leadership skill .
Cody Martin- Homecommg Attendant