Page 154 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 154
DRAM . Laughter, animation,
and corned are ju t orne of the
characteri tic put forth by the memb r
of the Drama Department. Each taking
pride in e ery p rformance that they
demon trate on tag .
The e member all po e the talent to
achie e anything th ir mind i et to
E eryone ha a role to play in the
production of a how and the amount
of talent een on tage i in pirational.
The e young actor actre e have uch
enormou hop and a piration , that it
light up the tage. ach performance
capture the heart and mind of the
entire audience lea ing them with the
remembrance of what wa ju t performed
in front of them.
Drama take a lot of hard work,
dedication, and di cipline to enjoy the
feeling of accompli hment that flow
o er each member after a promi ing
performance. Drama i a truly a club
filled with amazing po ibilitie .