Page 164 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 164

Farewell to  FWHS


    A  \\e clo  e our yearbook  , \\e will remember the hard work, the award  ,   i  a great deal to look forward to. We look ahead eagerly, 'v'vaiting to move on.
   the hopes. and the tears that hm e pas  ed O'ver this school year.  While we are   and others may be apprehen  ive about the tran  ition from high  chool to the
   fitted for our cap  and gown  , we remim:.ce.  Recalling the many memorie   next level.  We arc all gomg through many endmg  and beginning  , which
   of our year, 'v\C pu  h the pre  ent to the past and take a  tcp forward.  Thi  1   naturally bring  up feelings oflo  , uncertainty,  adne  , excitement, regret  ,
   u  ually the tlmc of year that membc~ of the  enior C'Ia   tart to experience   anxiety and anticipation. Our ,1\\nrene  s of tune expand  to include the pa ·t,

   this reality very d1fferently. In the area  of friendships, datmg relation  hip   the pre. ent and the future connect1on \\ 1th  your fnend  'v\111  tran  ccnd a
   and  post  graduation  plan  , there  will  be new  pre  urc  as  thi  time  line   we move on tO\\ard our JOUrne:r  ahead.
   marc he  forward.  For those who already kno\\  their career plan.  and have   CO.  GRATlJLAT10, 'SSE  lORS 2006
    ecured posltlon.s m the work world, volunteer  ervice andfor college, there
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