Page 159 - 2006 Tomahawk
P. 159
The purpo e of the
Debate Club i to
provide for and .e -
tabli h the kill
Requirements . Ability to OT a prerequi ite ,
required to partici-
research independently it i recommended
pate in intelligent ,
and build affirmative and that the highly mo-
rea oned debates ,
negative cases coopera- ti vated tudent po -
and to promote a
tively The desire to de- en of teamwork e orne public
peaking oral com-
bate (not simply argue)
among it member .
munication kill ·
in a standard competi- Thi offer po itive
tion . contribution of the
Public peaking en-
memb r to political
courage tu d n t
di cour e and qual-
to become effective
ity of life through
speaker and h nee
the development and
more ucce ful and
argumentation of
influential citi z en ·
e ocati e i ue ·
Debate train tu-
dent for lead r hip
tudent in good in our chool today
tanding hall be and community to-
eligible to become morrow.
a memb r of the De-
bate Iub. Although