Page 136 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 136

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                                                                                  STUDENTS  OF  AMERICA

                                                                                  FT.  WHITE  HIGH  SCHOOL

                                                                   b  \e: Jc  ~te Herlong proudly hanging up a I losa ~tgn.

                                                                   bo\e left: Clara  onley  and Brandon Key  practice their
                                                                 nur  ing  ktll  on a doll  m Health  cience cia%.

                                                                 Left:  ilver Watson practicing taking the blood pres  ure of a
                                                                 willing  enior citizen.

                                                                                               Far Left:  Roya Wnght take.
                                                                                               a break from the  tre'i':i of
                                                                                               Health  cience class.

                                                                                               Mtddlc:  HO    's  ·ponsor.
                                                                                               Mr~. Dctdcman, give~ in-
                                                                                               structiOn to her studl:nts.

                                                                                               Left:  lara Conley awaits h

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