Page 165 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 165
Vanessa 5cheuble
Dear Vane5ea.
You have 9rown up way too faet, it 5eeme like
yeeterday when we dropped you off at the
Kinder9arten at Columbia City Elementary. Now you
are 9raduatin9. a beautiful youn9 lady. God hae
bleeeed ue with a wonderful dau9hter. We are proud
of you and you ehould be proud ae well. You've
accompllehed a lot, moetly with flyln9 colore. Keep
up the 900d work, continue to truet God, euk hie
will for your life and you will not fall. All the beet
wiehee from ue. May you alwaye have wonderful
memoriee about your childhood and the home you
9rew up in. God Bleee you richly!
Love Mom and Dad