Page 161 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 161
A TremendoUS Thank You ...
otes from your adviser
o\ t'rv~ Wh~~~if ycac thos has bcco' I Thank you for your time outstdc of class
can hone tly ay I have never cxpcncnccd workmg on layouts and correcting proof·.
anything ltke putting a yearbook together. To the cnttrc staff- Congratulations!
but I am sincerely happy that my first You can all be proud of your effort
was for FWH and the wonderful staff in meetmg our goal and producing a
and student here. I have many people to profe siOnal, memorable book. Each of
thank for the success of thts year' bo k, you has left your stgnaturc on tht book
first and foremost my talented, dedicated and it would not be the same had you not
staff. been a part of our team. Great JOb!
Whttney Bigelow- You are truly the I would al o like to thank the many
Edt tor Extraordmairc! I am very grateful faculty and tafT member that have
for your talent and hard vvork m so helped tn thts endeavor. The name and
many area . Thank you for staytng late dutte of e ry person are too many to
to meet deadline and staymg po tttvc list, but everyone who contnbuted in
about every challenge we encountered some way ha my gratitude. Mr. Hatcher,
thts year. You have been indispen able a Mr. artcr, r. Duval, arolyn Hancock,
a leader for your fellov. student. and my manda Humphries. h n Keen, haria
nght hand woman. You have M H to Maxwell, Lynn Vaughn, Karen Wheeler,
be proud of in this book. Mtkc Wtlltams onnie levcland, Lmdsay pradley.
-Thank you for bemg our "computer Harry Jomcr. Jade Waugh. Beth Jone .
guy" and otTereing your help to everyone. Brandi Everett, Holly DeLoach. eth
We absolutely wouldn't have been as Thore on, Kelly McFarland, Brian
productive without your experti c. Katie Weekley, Tammy eil, Marcu. Bell,
Deem- You get the award for availabtltty! haun Fergu:, and everyone not listed
Thank you for bemg v illing to attack here who provtdcd u V\tth ptcture .
any ta k, running errands, and miling name . and encouragement along the way
the whole time. You have been a maJOr -Thank you! Rtck Bab ton- a pccial
rca on we have met deadlme . ory thank you for taking beautiful p rt and
apallta -You hould be proud of your homecoming photo for us!
!leather Mock, dvtscr
fundraising efforts. You supplied over you can sec, thi is a school-\\ ide,
half of the busine ad and much of our team effort! Keep up the good v\ork.
funding! Je tea Jayhcart, Kali Hunter, am lookmg fomard to next year-
Rachel Register, and Megan apelak -