Page 24 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 24
Almost there
Life as a Junior means work to do.
Jumor.., arc somct1mcs the
most focused students on
campus. They knO\\- they arc
on the dO\\nhill tretch in their
high chool career and they
want to do thc1r best. Junior
are busy people' "v1any hold
dO\\ n JObs. take challenging
clas cs. participate in sports or
cxtracurncular acti\ itics. all
\\-hllc planmng \ hen to take the
T and deciding where to go
to college. \Cn in the m1dst of
all that work. JUniOr knO\\ how
to have fun and look forward to
b1g events like thc1r cia. s prom
and becoming a scmor.
Top to bottom: 1) Hannah Cox helps out
around campus.
2) Jonathan Minniefield and Julian
Campbell work hard in the library.
3) JoyoUS Juniors Kristen Combs, Amy
Kittle, Hannah Sackett, and Carolina
Figueroa-Crooke show their class spirit.
4)Stephen Lynch,
Ashley Jarrel, Josh
Cook, and William
Blanchard goof off
in leadership class.