Page 28 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 28
Sophomore Pride
The Oth ar de c verger h .s a moment to 1 e field day.
Dustm Cason. Kady .. ,, ith a 'd"'" tmth. Bregay llarris. and Charks Deloach celebrate their
teamwork after fi111shmg the field day cavenger hunt for the class of 2009.
Team '09 Prepares for Skit Night
Made~ and nds s nd1a e
From Madea to Braveheart to ap lean Dynamite. the ophomores. hO\\ creati\ ity in their unique
portrayal of the Homecommg theme.
Creative Class Time
l'v s Mo k s ors '
tudent put learning mto action as they create a tableau-- or living still life-- of ltfc in llarlem
dunng the Harlem Renats ance ( 1920s and 30. ). The tudent were tudying the connecttons
between poetry and mustc of the Harlem Renai ·. ance.
"The acti\ity put a whole new twist on English. It made me think about poetry m a nev, way."
-- Julta Delancy
Class of 2009
oph mores areca y to n.:cogni7e, they arc more confident th n
fn:shmcn but not a ocky a en tOrs. ~1o t ophomores arc proud
to shO\\ off their ne\\ driH:r' ltscenc~: p1cture (how~:\ cr had it ts)
and "m' the1r car key o C\cryonc notices. Sophomore .trc
right 111 the mtdst of the "htgh chool pcrience;" e\ en though
teachers e peel more of them .tcademically, they till ha\e th tr
carefree attitudes