Page 100 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 100
Lay it down, Lay it down, we all lay it down!
Varsity Football
In lll9o [)·metric Jad.son(~c kno~ him as C1 ach
Ja~:k on) pla)ed for the gator . He no~ coa~:hc our l1>rt
Wh11e 'ar II) h'<.llhallteam He" been here )Car and
has graduall) mo,ed up to hemg the \ar II) head coach.
oman\ )Car come ~llh good times and hard\hip.,.
Head Coach Jackson
·· omc hard time ~ere lr) ing to manage l:! gu} and
al o ha'c l~o hnlc one ~1th another on the ~ay.'· a1d
Football, family, and fans Coach Jack on.
eptemher 14th at4:J6 p.m. Ja7den Jack on ~as hom.
\Cr) happ) moment for oach Jack on and his fam1ly.
11 ~a. al o the hrsl home game for the sca,on and he \!Ill
"We're building a family made llllllh game Theda} ~as full of mixed emollon .
atmosphere that is growing. We .. The d•t) ~c lo\tlo c~herr] ~a difficult hut )el
re~ardm •. and allth coache\ ~ere \Cr) helpful."'
do our best to make our family, mentioned Coach Jack on.
school and community proud of Ho~e,er the had al~a) come ~11h the good. Ha\lng
hm11cd pla)er . lo mg game . and 1111 ha\lng to carr] on
us." 11\~hatth') do he 1.
.. After a lithe defeat 11 i a ta ldul JOb to keep up th
moral to go on:· exclaimed oach Jack\on.
II the slre\s. work. and sweat all gomg mto ~hat they
Jo,e. the coaches and the football pla)er make the team.
nd the thought of ha' ing a hab}. WO II ! But some arc
#52 Logan Humphries lm.t and man) are won. nd o\crall the 07 0, football
cason ~a pi jed well .
.. We ~ere \C:r) succe sful. tarted out slo~ but ~e glll
Affectionately known as our first pla)ofl 'ictor) hnall) m )Cars:· aid Coach
"Rev" by the coaches. Jack on.
nd there ~111 he man) )ear to come for more football
We'll1mpro'e and get heller. h\ what we do. our team"
"I was blown away by the success
not only that hut they're a family . Our coache gi\e 1•ur
we had this year and I'm looking tudent the dme and the practice to get the JOb done.
But from the great ~ord of Coach Jac \On-
forward to seeing what we can
.. We're sllll tr)mg to 1mpro'e and get hener. G1vmg
accomplish next year." kid\ th opportunity to do good and gel heller nd I'm
lookmg forward to next \ea,on \ cond111oning ...
Far R1ght: The
team gathers for an
encouraging word
before kick off.
Right: Jordan
Dewhirst practices
kicking and
v1sualiz1ng making
the point.