Page 105 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 105
1Jarsitl} flieerleaders
1) a pi tan' of the 2007 200X team Am·
her llarrdl and Caitl)n Wilson.
2) Cu.tch of the Var,tiy Cheerleaders for
th cc1>nd )Carma rll\\., '\..1r . Karen l:healeadin~ on the 2007-2008 llauiiJI team wa definitdJ,I an experience within itself.
We had many ups and downs as a team and as individual's. We ali did our b t to f.tup
each other's spirits hiah and ftup the crowd pumpina . ./Ilona with the difficu/ti the team
faced there was a (ot of ttrowth and bondinlt a we«. §irl's who have cheered toaetha for
l}ears became closer then thCJJ eva were, others were introduced to cheerina on a varsiiJI
team, and some were introduced to churinlt on a team. We also made a connection with
the llarsiiJI j)ance team. We flared manl} fir ts toaetha like dancinlt in the pep rafll},
our home ttame dinners, our combined banquet, and ttettina the crowd involved with our
com6ined ptrits. 'Tor the eniou on the team it ha been an exdtina but sad l}ear beoou
for us, alone with it beinlt a l}ear of "firsts," it was also a IJC«r of "(a ts."
--JliHerJ,J D uperfr}
rs of the team pose
mascot 1n hopes of beating Pk Younge at
the homecom1ng game
had an enjoyable year and was
d to be captain of such a em or cheerleaders and dancers show their gan ter
stdes while goofing off before the Pcsacola game.
ood squad.
-Caitlyn Wilson
1 I Horne and Sydnee Reeder show amaz1ng facials Flyers Kaitlynne Horne and Hillery Duperly Members of the cheerleading and dance team get
while doing the "cool off" to "Get Me Bodied" by Beyonce at the 1mpress the crowd with this un1que stunt. together at our first annual home game dinners to
lnd1an Upnsing. prepare for the game.