Page 156 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 156
eta and NHS are clubs for Honor Roll
B students with high GPA's. To be in Beta
you must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and
to be in NHS you must have a GPA of 3.2
or higher and be approved by the faculty.
With Mrs. Jones as the sponsor, both clubs
take part in service projects and raise mon-
ey for different causes. This year NHS and
Beta donated $200 for the Caring and Shar-
ing project at Christmas time, and they also
sold "Shamrock Shouts" around St. Patrick's
Day to raise money for mucular dystrophy.
Beta Officers
Pictured above, L-R: Back Row: Mr . Jone ,
Bigelow, Billy Blanchard, Amber Harrell,
Dak ta arpcnter. Front Row: Kady mith,
L-R: President Drew Herrick, Vice-President 2007-2008 Member
Billy Blanchard, Secretary Dakota Carpen-
Bill Blanchard Shawn hapman Lind ey Bigelow
ter. Not pictured: Treasurer Dustin Howard
Du tin Howard Brittany Mo ely Kad) mith
Drew Herrick Ashley Rigg William Carawan
Sabrina ulpepper Ariel Parnell Dak ta Carpenter
J ey Baker Alex Butler · aitlyn Wilson
Stephen Lynch Jacob Prince eva Gonnles
Logan Humphrie Amber Harrell Charlette Demk.o
icolc Waddington Lydia Ha)e
Liz Weddle Ariel Kimball