Page 160 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 160

~llowship of ~hristian ~hletes

                    "1 can do all thing  through Chri  t who Strengthens  me.

                                                                        -Phillippian  4:13.

         2lXJ7-200  officer  (from top right): Logan  Humphric\· Presidcnt, Amber Tompkins  Vice  president,  '\-1r.  bel) club day.  F  A ha\ a  .,pcaker come in  and  present a  me"agc to
        lluntlcy  o,ponsor.  mber Burrc  ·pr.lyercurdinator. Justm Will..cN>n· Trcao,urer.  'he I don Robem·lllo,tonan.  the group. Gal) I ldridge \\as one of our prco,cntcr  and ga'e a p<l\\crful
        and  1arl..  tewan· outreach cordmator.                            me  o,a •e in hope  to make a dllfcrcncc m all of our li\cs.

        bove: Th1; year, r  A took on a new challenge to show their fa1th  to
       the world. They conducted a "prayer around the pole"' every wednesday
       morning praying for their school, friends.  family, and other thing'> on
       their heam.
       Right: bcry Thur,day.  the r  A ho\ts a murnmg Bible study for those
       "ho wish to attend. They tool.. a d1fterent approach th1s year. and had an
       interauive  tudy. m\tead of the traditional morning devotion. They felt
       that 11  \\Ould have a more pos1t1\c impact on those auendmg.

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