Page 168 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 168

LEAK      members     work    hard    The  members  are  continually
                                                   protecting     and      preserving     assisting  with  the  lchetucknee
                                                   our  school     and  community        Springs  State  Park's  Water
                                                   environment.         These                    Lettuce          Removal
                                                   students regularly assist       \1cmt>cr   \1ar~   Program.  In  the  fall,
                                                                                Kern, Jane  Kern. JC\\Ica
                                                   in  our  school's  "Pick    \\1dlan. R}an Gabc}. Hannah   they  remOVed  OVer  a
                                                   and  Put  Program",       Rllee,  \m~ Ro  n  .  amantha \1c   quarter  Of  a  tOn  Of
                                                                            Culh  ter, John  Bur~e. Paul  Reed, Jo  hua
                                                   which makes sure the    Hau\\,1/aac w.I~IC, JamC\ Bf)an. Ldnon  water lettuce from the
                                                   school  grounds  are    K•r  te), Dc,tm) Kra,ac:. Damcllc Wook).  lchetucknee  River.
                                                                             (,al\c I lodge,, Ja,on Bourn.  a than
                                                   clear  of  trash.  They    Ham  n, Santana  andm. Deanna   LEAK   members
                                                                             Boxell. Brianna f·ontame  a' anna
                                                   also  head  the  FWHS       0  Qum. Je"ll"a  Pollard. Sllh   are   dedicated   tO
     1.  LEAK members hang out around the Newspaper   Community  Recycling        Solo  Mall June'   improving  the  health
     Recycling  bm, wa1ting  on  the  tons  of  paper  that's  Program  which  recycles          of  the  river,  and  more
     sure to come.                                 paper,  and,  more  recently,            is  expected  to  be  removed
     2. Students watch Mrs. Johannesen demonstrate the   aluminum  cans.  In  January  of   during  their  Winter  and  Spring
     new  look and  use  of the  Alummum  Can  Recycling
     Bins at the LEAK club meeting                 2008,  they  implemented  large       involvement.
                                                   Aluminum  Can  Disposal  bins  on
                                                   school grounds.

             CAN  AVES ENOUGH

               EAl  RGY TO RUN A

                TV FOR 3 HOURS,
                 OR A  100-WATT

                LIGHTBULB FOR 4
             HOURS. REMEMBER,


                 CANSARE 100%                      Above:  Sponser  Mrs.   Right.  Students  show
                                           ,,      Johannesen   shows   the  sc1ent1f1c  process
                                                         students  what
                                                                     by  using  a  ruler  to
                RECYCL                             they might f1nd  to  study   measure and mark on a
                                                   around  the  nver on  an   clear soda bottle where
                                 -The LEAK members
                                                   trip  to  the  lchetucknee   different  variables  will
                                                   Spnngs park   •  •   be placed.   •••

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