Page 171 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 171

2007-2008 Leader hip Student                Leader hip at Fort White High School i  o much more than cla  of-

  Lind  ey Bigelow                            ficer  .  Our talented group of  tudent leader  play many role  on cam-
                                              pu  from pep rally planning and  et up to homecoming help and any-
  Billy Blanchard
                                              thing el  e their tirele  s advi  er, Mr  . Sheri Keen, can throw at them.
    uth Bonet
                                              In addition to all the activitie  and  pecial event  leader  hip  tudent
  Amber Burre
                                              h  lp with, they are re  pon  ible for a lot of behind the  cene  w  rk that
  Du  tin Ca on
                                              keep  FWHS informed and invovled.  The  e  tudent  are truly  trik-
  Meli  a Dear
                                              ing out on new path  and leading their fellow  tudent  in direction
  Hillery Duperly                             many per onal journey  would never go without their guidance.

  A  hley Harrell
  Andrew Herrick
  Cha  e He  ter
    aitlin Jone
  Brittany Kent

  Stephen Lewi
  Stephen Lynch
  Sarah Moran
  Ana Navarro
  Rebecca  eil
  Ariel Parnell
  Courtney Peruyero

  Andrew Rich
  Hannah Sackett
  Kady Smith
  Caitlyn Wil  on

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