Page 174 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 174
horu cia of 2007-20 . Tea her Tina John on conduct our
middl ch ol and high ch I oice of ort White. Much talent
and de ire to ing their h art out fund their concert and how .
Their day con i t of rna tering reading and writing mu ic to the
b t of their abilit . The fun time never end a they do concert ,
perform at Willowbrook, and go to i ney World. The variety of
mu ical el ction make choru cia a place for tudent to expre
them elve in ong and hone their talent .
R1ght. (lett to Right) Ted Bcnirc Danny ~:ott. Adam Grifty. Kcny
el\on. and Terrence Bf)ant add depth
Right: (Left to R1ght) Jo 1e aylor.
Jared 1cGrath. Kayla Rearick.
Brianna Wickham. Kayla
and Dallu Lin C) "all CX~:Ih:dl) to
perform for the1r parenh. fnend\.
communi!) member. . and fellow