Page 39 - 2008 Tomahawk
P. 39
~~ cfO'r.t 'W'Itite rfaaeant
"Waiting on the World to Change"
The Mi Fort White Pageant
i a competition for 9th-11th
grade girl to " trut their
tuff' and ee if they have
what it take to repre ent Fort
White and to be an example to
younger girl . Through teacher
evaluation , interview with
the four judges, a how
of talent, theme character
dre , and an evening gown
competition, the nine girl
were given a moment to hine.
On Saturday, March 17th,
under the coordination of
Amber Howard, the pageant
wa an exctiting event for both
audience and conte tants.
Top Left: Runner-up Brittany Mosele),
M1ss Fort White 2007 Hannah ackett, and
2nd Runner-up Erne!) Ha\ 1aras. The e three
conte tant'> celebrate the re ult. of all of their
hard work
Top Right: Hannah ackett takes her lir;t
walk as 11ss fort Whne 2007 to the ong
"You are so Beautiful."
enter: mbcr Burre s. Brittan} Mo eley.
hie} Harrell, m} Kittle. ndrea Porter.
Damelle errano-Pru in ki. Hannah ackett.
and Je s1ca app all hold hand. anx10u ly
awa1tmg the pageant result. "'hile the ho t lex
Gilmer and Bed.y 1ahoney jokmgly he1ghten
the conte tants · anticipation.
Bottom: mbcr Burre. , conte tant number
I, gracefully an wcrs her mtef\ iew que uon
''What area of )OUr life do )OU feel you are least
disciphned in?" a ked h) arah Faulkner, 1 is
Fort White of 2006.