Page 136 - 2011 Tomahawk
P. 136
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rc.D<r u c. es l\1,trqucl ,\lien
\'~ ::::J \ --· v ... Tirnoth) Anderson
"My doggy ale my bqmework. Zachanah \ndcrson
l-Ie che'f/ed il up. I said. St.phcn ,\mau
( ourtnc} Bamc'
~~ul when I offered my excuse
y teacher shopk her head.
savy this . wasn I going welL
I didn I want fo faiL
~efore I she had a chance to talk.
added to the tale: Tjkr Barnes
il\<tnnah Barr
Brandon Batten
.. ~efor~ he ale. he look my work
And tossed il in a pol.
Ue sirpmered il with succotash
I ill il was piping hot.
Da\ 1d Bechtel
.. Ue :;~rambled up my science notes \usun Benton
1 Bf)an Biam:h1
With eggs and bacon strips.
Along_ wiln sauteed spelling words
And baked polafo chips.
"U~ then look my arithmetic
R::run Bill'
And had il gently fried. ( B1rd
Ue broiled both my book reports Reginald Blad;
With pickles on the side .
.. Ue wore a dogry apron
As he cooked a no ebook slew .
. _De barked when objec led ... Kem Bot>nc
There was nothing could do . Au tm Bradbcff)
Brittany Bnnl..
.. D~· he wear a doggy chef hat? ..
.. y leo~her gay~ a scowL
e did. I said. And laking i.l
ould only make him growL
K1mberlee Bf)an
I laic}
My teacher frowned. but then I said I rank Cahoon
.. As quickly as I could.
'lle covered il with ketchup ..
And he said il lasted good.
'A lalkjn,q dog who likes to cook? .. athan1el astano
IVIy teacher had a fit. arncron Certain
Sidnie Childs
SAhe sent me to the 9ffice.
nd that is where I sit.
I gu~ss I made a big mistake
In ljlling her alllhal.
· Cpuse don· I have a doggy.
II was eaten by my caf.
~~ ~e"" Ne~~at