Page 138 - 2011 Tomahawk
P. 138
J.~eoo I t>ng-1 n.:nd
Bry~.: '>lal.t.thn
\k\ls \1amu.tidl
Han.:ko \lar"\.:1
\uslln \1atttl
Jl>nathan \Iathon
Hannah \Ia}
Shdll) k ( ah tn
hristina \k Ckn1than
Chmtoph.:r \1c Cullum
kss1ca 1c Guum~'
':ihannon '>1c Ph.:ar on
Hannah Mccall
1\:.:\ in \lcmahon
Ta:,-lor \1illlt...:n
Ak and.:r \ln~hell
Brendan \1ooma\\
L teoan \!orale.,
Bradle) :\1urph)
\1d..:nna .:ttlc.,
Iegan oblcs
Bradlc} onon
Zackery O''i1ckc}
Ale IS Parker
P,ctured nghl: k:'yte Shope pre-
pare~ hm~elf for the ~c ence
e~~on. Mal Sp1vey on the far
n hi: g1ve~ h1~ typ1ca ~mue ear
to ear.