Page 192 - 2011 Tomahawk
P. 192

t Sen1ors:     to  nght  vorn C.ellert  an
                                                                                  k:'atelyn  Wilson  perform  dunng  the r skit. 2
                                                                                  Jun1ors:  {!eft  to  nght)  Mandl  PICks.  Shelby
                                                                                  ~arion.  Chloe  Paoli.  and  Dan1elle  Leon.  j,
                                                                                  Sophomores:  k:'ev1n  Dupree.  4.  rreshmen:
                                                                                    ft  o nght)  Myslic  Roundtree

               Senior.  Alexis
               ~lake. fires  up
               the  crowd  at  the
               start  of  the  Indian
               Uprising I
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