Page 193 - 2011 Tomahawk
P. 193
\ I 4i \Afrit;.l ~ was an even!
lha everyo e was looking forward lo~ Not just the staff and
students of for While Wigh School but. parents. grandparents.
b others. s1slers. aunts. uncles. and many other members of our
small light-knit fort While community. Tne eve w s acked:
eve '¥ seal in Indian Stadium was taken as the comm n1ty eel
e rated together. our Womecom1ng. The foolbal coo es and
captains started off the night with their words o excilemen . of
how hard they had prepared for this friday n1ghl in their game
against florida Wigh School. Then. the Varsity. Junior Va sity.
and M1ddle School Cheerleaders joined together to perform an
amaz1ng routine. A flerwards. we watched the band and the
chorus perform. The biggest event of the night for the students
is the skits. The classes battle 1n front of a panel of judges o
see who could come up with the funniest ski! under the t ~--.....
of \~4-\AJ\~ ~YG J 4_~\(4_Y ~tG . In bel
skits the audience was enlerlainea by Mrs. k:'een and Coach
~uri· s Julia Childs ac I. following the humor. the night
dropped down to a more serious note as the homecom-
ing representatives from each grade look their moment to
walk across the field with their escort. At the end of the
night our omecom1ng 1n . Justin k:'ortessis, was crown
and a beau iful display o fireworks li u the sky.