Page 214 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 214

N (} W)  we  iinally  realrze  !hal  we  could  have  wa1led  lo  gel
                                                        older.  We  realize  that  !•me  ha5  5omehow  :lipped  away  and  :loon
                                                      we  wll  be  say1ng  good-bye.  Say1ng  good-bye  lo  our  fnends.  our

                                                  family.  our  home.   aybe  for  a  5hor  lme   maybe  forever.  Soon  we
                                               will  go  lo  our  sen1or  prom.  graduate.  sd  for  the  last  l1me  w1lh  everyone.  It  IS
                                               the  last  lme  we  w I all  be  together.  recogn1zed  as  the  da55  of  2012.   ow
                                               we  are  gellng  excded  bout  slarl1   over.  ge  I  g sad  about  what  we  will
                                                    eave  beh1  d.  gelling  anxious  lo  move  on.   ow  we  rea 1ze  JUS I how  m-
                                                          porlanl  our  be51  fnend5  are.  how  much  fun  we  really  d have  1n

                                                           the  our  years.  Now  we  wish  we  could  be  younger.  We  wish
         1 ~tst C'jr     of  ptop\t
      w tr t  c~o~tn  roM  our  c\Gtss                      we  could  have  Ia  en  the  lme  lo  apprec1ale  every   omen!

       of  twoJ1rousGtnd  +wth!t  t<                        lo  slow  down  lime.  Now  we  face  hav1ng  lo  say  good-bye.
       w trt v'artd  1nto  CGth~pntS
       'oo.std  on  t\Ae,,r  ptrsonruk~.

           ruf,st,c\ f~. +\At 'r
         GlCMtMlC  GlC~ltv' tMtnt.
         ~uMorous  c~r"1SMO...  or
      S1Mp\~ t\Ae,,r  do.rn  ~ood \ooksl

                                                                                          n  ra lOr>  can come  from  anywhere
                                                                                          (.,  eve   here.   ~  o  my  ~ c-
                                                                                          IOn  come~  rom  hin  ~ oro  nd  me
                                                                                          no  c:a ch  my In ere~!.   ople  I ove
                                                                                          or  my mood.  I  m  'o e  pre~~ my
                                                                                          fee  ng~ a  d  &e  d  a  me~~age  roug
                                                                                          my  arlwor .  love  who  I do.  (.,  have
                                                                                          a way~ done  . I' rn  ~o happy  ha  I
                                                                                          wa~ c:ha~en  o  be  mo~ Cree 1ve.

                                                                                          Gr  ·rvt  ACCoMpi1S~Mtn+s:

                                                                                          Placed  n  r1orida  Sta e  ra,r  <.,  rece ved
                                                                                          S  a e  rec:ogni  n.  Yearboo  [  or
                                                                                          S  ce  ~ or ed   my Jun1or  year  f..,

                                                                                           V}l~ttfs  tJiOVY  dtflrl.lflOn
                                                                                          ot  Gr tt,tfr~/~t~?

                                                                                            • v y  ·c  me  s  the  phys co  expres-
                                                                                            o'  Ol"e  s  eMot ons.  ,· 5  e" rg  :)u'  tJ I  he
                                                                                           ugr•c..  •ee  ~"~9~  a  d  dea~   your  head
                                                                                            5  ow ng  them  o  'he  word  My  nspro-
                                                                                            cornes  froM  a  arourd  rre:  rom booh.
                                                                                              move.,.  ard o he,  worKs  of  ar .  They
                                                                                            a I nfluenced   &OfY'\e  way.  &ee
                                                                                           ry  day  a~ a  ew  page  1n  the  &lory  of
                                                                                            ~ e.  one  ha  could  never  be  loo  color!
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