Page 219 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 219
AJ LttjYtt ~
AJ play5 football. run5 Trac .
P1ay5 ~a5ketball. ~ parlicpate5 1n
A\"1 WrtnC~
Ali ha5 played Volleyball 5ince
the 7 lh grade. Soccer 51nce
the )rd grade and Softball
51nce 5he wa5 5even year5 old.
A\'1 t><. A.J ~ s·,~ntd to vn Vtrs·thts *'·,s ~t/Jr to
P\ru:J sports. A1'1son s·~ntd vi/*' TVxJ ~ Go\\t~
V'lt*' o.. scVxJ\/Jrs~·,p to plruj ~ftbrul AlpVxJnso Lt~ru
<?>·1~ntd w·*' f-W vniVtrs·if-~ of l(entuckL.j to rvn {)J')d to plruj FootboJ\
t-Jr,rand~..t AYVll..tlji..t t.:
Terrence 13r1ant
T trr tnCt l)r1o..rrt-ts Gr toJ,v t
Vlvs·,coJ Accompr,s~mtn+s:
~ Winner of the Martin Luther ~ing
Jr. x ravaganza Talent Show.
Winner of Columbia Top
Talent three time5. participant 1n
All-State Mu5ician5hp Con-
cert. Men'5 Choir. and Concert
Chotr. Terrence ha5 been a
me ber of Choru5 here at fort
While 5ince he 7th grade.