Page 40 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 40
To the R1ght. o group of ~1ology Students gather to
exam1ne the skds demonstrated by teacher. M5. ~lac . She
g des them by show1ng he proper tec.hnrques for
Down ~elow: Ms. Mary Cem ~lack the sc1ence teacher ma es
learnng ere sling ( wh1ch IS a good h1ng Since 11 rs ~IOiogy a er
al). Ms. Dlac. care5 so much about her students and ma es every
effort to ensure tho they leave her c.la5s fu I of now ledge.
Th1s IS the ~ull frog tho was u5ed for dssec.lian 1n Ms. ~lack's
~1ology class. D1ssecilon he ps he s udents learn the anatomy of
differen onrmols G a so learn more oooul b1ology as well. ~y ds-
sedng different speCies students learn about how onrmols may use
the way the1r cons rue ed and the1r anatomy to protect hemselves
and even what hal on1mo may eat on a do y bos1s.
M& Cason received a Ltoxn·~n~ sk 11\s from ()., M(Lsftr
~achelors in ~usiness
Administrahon from
~elow left: Ms. Cason helps her
University of florida in
s udenls Paul Perry w lh hrs ma h
1991. In her iirst job
ossrgrrl'el"l and 5e!ow: Ms. Cason
she loved helping
g ves '"'e sludel"ls s ;::, hal I ey't use
people. So. being a a I fet Me. Uer sfujenls 'lOW I a' 'he
math teocher was an
easy fra1sition.