Page 59 - 2012 Tomahawk
P. 59
A5 a fir5 year JOUrna15m 5fudent I wa5 not exoedng
the 5lre55 a d anx1ely level5 to be 50 high nor d a an-
ile palE> o be 5o e c feme t ana un fi ea. · ve learned
a of from C a ra and M5. Warren abou t e creahve
oroce55 of ma g a yearbook and t ank hem for that.
1,. JOurna ~m we are forced to p t our dfference5 as1de
and come together as team to accomplish our goal.
Vearboo al ow5 me to be creahve and un1que 1n way5
I have never been before. The dead ne loomed over our
head5 for the past e1ght monlh5 and now that d · 5 over
d reh5h 15hmenl5. I have
Most people usually want to do yearbook
as an elec live becau5e they automatically
assume that it'll be an easy "A'. Waal If
they honestly knew how much hard work and
lime we· ve dedicated to make the yearbook they would think it wa5
anything but [AS V! I think I was definitely the mo5l dedicated along
w1fh the Miss Amazing Ciaira Weese. We would all slay after hours
and work on yearbook: Ms. Warren. her daughter Shanice. Ciaira.
and 1: fill late at night most of the times. As we would work on
spreads. we would gel delusional with creativity. The latest we've
5layed after 5chool to help was probably round 4am in the morning
on our deadline date for submi5sions. I will absolutely be on yearbook
again next year! It's addicting: going to all the games and laking pic-
lure5 to creating page5 or writing arlicle5. Its hard wor . but I wouldn't
have it any other wayl