Page 82 - 1978 Falcon
P. 82
Osteen & Son Seed
Store Lake City
Motor Parts, Inc.
for Best Prices
Seed- Fence
Gates- Fertilizer
Auto, Truck and Tractor
Parts- Machine Shop
363 W. Nassau St. 752-6433
Stuart Jewelers Motor Equipment and Parts
2125 E. Duval St.
308 North Manon Street 752-1878
Lake City, Florida 32055
Quality Automotive
Parts and Service
ruce s Sales Service
Clothing and Shoes
Bud's TV Sales & Service
or Young and Old
Phone 752-0128
13 South Third Street, Lake C1ty, Flonda 32055
Fike Oil Company, Inc.
Phillips Petroleum Jobbers
26 N. Marion St. P.O. Box 366
Lake C1ty