Page 82 - 1978 Falcon
P. 82

Osteen & Son Seed

                          Store                                   Lake City

                                                                 Motor Parts, Inc.
                       for Best Prices

                         Seed- Fence
                       Gates- Fertilizer

                                                                 Auto, Truck and Tractor
                                                                 Parts- Machine Shop
                                                                 363 W.  Nassau St.                      752-6433

               Stuart Jewelers                                   Motor Equipment and Parts

                                                                                   2125 E.  Duval St.
                         308 North Manon Street                                         752-1878
                        Lake City, Florida  32055

                                                                                  Quality Automotive
                                                                                   Parts and Service

     ruce s                                                      Sales                                        Service

                     Clothing and Shoes

                                                                          Bud's TV Sales & Service

  or Young and Old
                                                                                    Phone 752-0128
                                                                    13 South Third Street, Lake C1ty,  Flonda  32055

                                                                     Fike Oil Company, Inc.

                                                                             Phillips Petroleum Jobbers

   26 N. Marion St.                                                 P.O.  Box 366
                                                                    Lake C1ty
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87