Page 84 - 1978 Falcon
P. 84
DeVane's It 1s the pol1cy of the Columb1a County Flonda, School Board NOT
to d1scnmmate on the bas1s of sex m 1ts educat1onal programs, act1v
1t1es, admiSSions or employment pohc1es as requ1red b T1tle IX of
the 1972 Education Amendments. lnqUines regardmg compliance
w1th T1tle IX may be d1rected to Mr. James T Hanna, Federal Pro·
820 N. Marion St. 1ects Admm1strator and T1tle IX Coordmator, Route 7, Box 200, Lake
C1ty, Flonda 32055, or the 01rector of the Off1ce for C1v1l R1ghts,
Departm nt of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washmgton, 0 C.
Beauty Salon
413 N. Marion
Frostings Color
Permanents Blow-Cuts
" Your Friendly Stores"
Tues.-Sat. 752-3377
Special Thanks to the Following
Teachers and Students for Their
Help in Producing the FALCON.
Mrs Ann Gause
Mrs. Lore Art
Photography Mrs. Ann Crow
and Typmg
Spec1al thanks to the members of the FALCON staff, especially Cara Carson, Veena Tikare, and Judy Russell, who made the best of the worst