Page 77 - 1979 Falcon
P. 77

Aero gives service

                                                                   Columbia  County's  largest  industry,
                                                                 Aero  handled  about  everything  that  flies
                                                                 -  from  smgle-engine  aircraft  through
                                                                 a1rborne  g1ants.  Located  at  the  airport,
                                                                 Aero  mod1f1es,  services,  and  overhauls

                                                              King builds whoppers

                                                                   "Have it your way -   hold the pickles,
                                                                 hold the lettuce .   "  Whether using the
                                                                 dnve-through or take out service, Burger
                                                                 Kmg ,  at  US  90  West ,  tried  always  to
                                                                 please w1th the1r fast, friendly serv1ce.

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