Page 82 - 1979 Falcon
P. 82

College seeks in aiding

                      well-rounded grads

                 Grace  College,  a  four-year  co-educational
              Chnst1an  liberal  arts  college,  in  Indiana,  dem-
              onstrated to over 756 students 1ts  commitment
               "to  know  Chnst  and  to  make  Him  known."
              Fully accredited  by the NCACS,  1t  tried  to give
               high  qual1ty  Chnst1an  education  within  the
               framework  of  Chnstian  truth.  Students  came
               from 35  states and  six  fore1gn  countries.  "His
               Image,"  Grace's  male  quartet,  presented  16
               weekend spec1als.

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