Page 104 - 1982 Falcon
P. 104

EE  w                                     ERS

       Barbra  twood
                                                                     LCJ                  Bruce Fike
       Age  - 15                                                                          Age -  15
       Weight -   1   pound                                                               Weight -  165  pound
       Height    5'4"
                                                                                         Height -   5'11"
       Hair -  Brown                                                                     Hair -  Brown
       Eye  -  Brown
                                                                                         Eyes -   Blue
         Daughter  of Mr  &  Mr                                                              on of Mr & Mr  Walter
       We    Atwood.  Favorite                                                           Fike. Favorite hobbie  are
       hobby  i    cheerleading.                                                         football,  kiing  and  surf-
       Ha  been a cheerleader for                                                        ing.
       3 year  . . .  i   aptain thi                                                       Active  in  FF A  . . .  now
                                                                                         serves as  Chaplain.
          tudent  ouncil  mem-                                                             Football  number  w-..s
       ber for 3 year  - i   ecre-                                                       #54  . . .  played  offensive
       tary thi  year.                                                                   guard  and  linebacker.
         Very active in  the com-                                                        First string starter. Favor-
       munity     love  rock mu-                                                         ite  colors  are  red  and
        ic   like  number 63  ...                                                        black  . . .  rock  and  coun-
       favorite  c  lor  are  pink                                                       try music are his favorites.
       and purple  . . .  love                                                           Loves  Engli  h.
       math. Like   cott Baio                                                              Impre  sed  by  Clint
       and  Laura  pencer.                                                               Eastwood.
                                                                                            ays  Bruce:  "I  enjoyed
                                                                                         my eighth and ninth grade
                                                                                         years at LCJH. I will mis
                                                 Court of Honor                          this school  next year."

                                                Kim Ward -    Carlo  Brown
                                                       (Runner  -up)

                                    9th Grade - Tere  a  Bickel  Tere  a  Go  s  Regina Jame
                                                   David Terrel  Robbie  Hollingsworth

                                    8th Grade - Tere  a  Imm  Danielle  app      haron  Watson
                                                    eil  Morri   Mark Chitwood  Brian Oder
                                    7th  Grade - Carla Moore  Paulette Ander  on
                                                  Phillip Miller  Otis Thompson
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109