Page 106 - 1982 Falcon
P. 106
We, th 19 2 Fal on Yearbook taff, having been determined and pre cribed to po se s unimpaired mental
facultie , leav the following legacy to our undercla men:
ancy Kazmier ki leave her cla note for two year from Mr . Per ons' cla se to her brother, teve, and
her bottom locker to Phillip Miller. oonie Knud en leave her natural tan to Tara Dees and her tumbling and
dancing ability to Libby Brown. Robin Vanzant leave her hoe trings to Doug olvin and her clas talent to
a ie argent. pril neild leave next year' F U chedule to Carl Oder and. all of her pulled muscle to
Danielle app.
Li a Cna teen leave her hard earned F' in algebra to Jeff Ahren , and her flirting ability to Mark Chitwood.
Letna Rauler on leave her flaming red hair to Laura app and her sweaty, odorful P.E. locker to Paige Carter.
Kri ty kipper leave her bruises to Jordan Green and her temper to Bobby Ca e. Le lie Grooms leave all of
her ympathy to all tudent in Mr . Lake's cla , and all of her "get-out-of-cla s" excuses to Jimmy Johnston.
Kelli Da vi leave her flat football to all Gator fan and her place on the yearbook to Laura Mu grove.
Lorraine t. Jonn leave her dirty, ike shoe to indy Moore and her Engli h note to Libby Brown. Brad
mitny leave hi accident pronene to Mark Chitwood and all of his Gator clothe , sticker and po ters to David
Th mpkin . Laura Ead leave all of her giggle to Brenda Bolton and her height to Bobby Ca e.
Laurie Bank ton leave her traple , wornout bookbag to Leslie Ogden and her Olympic diving tyle to Mr .
ham berlin (remember the falling screen episode?). Katni Wenrli leave all of her cience note to Donna Nolan
and her "grungy" ike to Tim istrunk. Micnele Giles leave her incredible neat locker to Chip Rucker and all
of her long hair to Eric Hou ton.
Regina Jame leaves her pot on the basketball team to Katrina Perry and all her "quietness" to andra
laridy. Betn Boucnelle leave her gym clothes to Keri Melton and all her Gator pirit to Bobby Case. Mike
Haine leave all of hi hard work in geometry clas to Lesley Ogden and all of his Eagle memorobilia to Doug
Evan . Tom Gingricn leave hi "smart aleck" remark to Joey Woods and his curly hair to Tara Dees. Blyss
McDuffie leave her u ed gum to Tere a lmm and her toothbrush to David Edwards. Valeria Wilson leaves her
de k in Dr. ' room to the fir t one that reaches it and her comb in the bathroom.
Tonnja Milligan leave her worn out pace in the locker room to Eddie Bradley and Clara Galloway. he
leaves all her used clothe which would otherwi e go to the Goodwill to Tronia Young.