Page 162 - 1982 Falcon
P. 162
alcon ever
''Catch it''
1 t Row - L to R: Mike Gr n, ew
Editor; indy Moor , Ed1tor-in hief; Amy
Hine , Copy Editor
2nd Row- L toR: Marvin Rin , Layout
Editor; Becky Brown, Feature Editor;
Rob rt Morri., Photo Editor; Marcia
Gu rry, o ial Ed1tor
3rd Row - L to R: Brett Rummery,
port Editor
ewspaper Staff
1 tRow- L to R: Mike Edward , Amy Hine , Linda Marks, Kevin Cain, Mike Green, Marcia Guerry, Wendy taten
2nd Row - L to R: Marla Hall, Li a Mu grove, Marvin Rine, Jame Lee, Rae Ro ier, Brandi Payne, Kelli Col on
3rd Row- L toR: Dr. Jo epb Cre cimbeni, Advi or; helley Little, Cindy Moore, Heath antrell, Robert Morri , David
Tompkin , Tim We tberry
4th Row- L toR: Keri Melton, Becky Brown, Brett Rummery, Peter Farnham, Phillip Raynor, Mark Rusnak