Page 166 - 1982 Falcon
P. 166
uture omemaker of
eedlecraft Club
1s t Row - L toR: Henee Travi!-., Debi Bntt, Kathy Lane
1 t R o w - L to R: De hi Britt, . 'ta< ie ~a~ee, Mandy Gafford, 2nd Row - L to R: .Jayne Land .. Jeanette ~artm, Alexis
Mar~1e \\II Iiams P1ttman. Harh1e Kemp, .Jennifer Martin
2nd Row - L to R : Lisa Tedder, Kaye Chambers 3rd Row - L to R: Cami Anderson. Hene Yopp, .'haron
3rd Row - L to R: An~ Ia .'ecton, Marcella Ford, Donna Little, Curn .. 'tephanH Nettle!-., Lori Howell
K1mb rh Yea~er, Ann Petty
4th Row - L to R:.J nnefer Cobb, Brenda Hnant, Leann Bundy,
Tma Tillman, Kathl en Hate.., (Mr . Phy lli Duke, Sponsor)
f1ce Aide
1 tRow - L to R :Twresa Brown. Katherine Houk, Shannon Thomas. Cherie Hichard .
Heather \\ alhr. K1m HlakP, Linda Km~
2nd Row - L to R: Pearl EllzeJ , Ad\ 1sor: Deanna\\ II Iiams. 'I an~ela .Jackson. Loren
Hentle\. 1ary Carrel t. Cma <lsh