Page 168 - 1982 Falcon
P. 168

ale  n  ever  eporter                                          tudent Council

           1  t  Row - L  to R: .Je,mn  tt  Martm,  H  ne  'r opp,  Kim  G   1  t  Row - L  to R: Peppar Saltzman,  \'I  -Pr  Id  nt;  Rene
           Chn~ C.Hr ·tt.  Mehs. a  Mav, .Jennifer  Martin       Yopp,  Pr  sident; .Jennifer  Martin,  Reporter;  Angie  \1c  all,
           2nd Ro  - L  to R: K  nny  Huddl  ton.  Gr  g  Venz.  Mrs.  ally   ,'  retarv,   ot  Pi  tur  d: Gr  g  Venz,  Tr  asur  r
           1Uo  e  ,  dvi  or                                    2nd Row - L  toR: Brian ,'teele,  Hal  William  .  Hi  hard  ie  lik,
                                                                 David  Battle,  Me h. sa  Ma}
                                                                 3rd Row - L  to R: Donni  Bla  kw  II,  Brvan  For  man,  Tonv
                                                                 Webb,  Micha  I ,Jones,  .Jennifer Gray,  'taci M G   -
                                                                 4th Row - L  to  R: Peggy  Proveau  .• ~h  ila ,'haw,  Lori  How  II,
                                                                 AIPxi"  P1ttmsm  Amv  OorkPrv

                           Cu  todian                                            Cafeteria  taff

           Left to Right: Eddie Goodbread,  Queen  Carter, Abraham  Strawd  r,   1  t  Row - L  to R: Annie  McKinnon,  B  rtha ,'haw,  Betty ,J  an
           Lila   ewton                                             Thomley, ,'arah  L  e   n  al,  Helen  Morgan
                                                                    2nd Row - L  to R: Verna  Fut  h.  Alb  rta  Young,   lla
                                                                    Richard  on,  Dorothy Gnffin, ,Jo}C  Harri.,  Cora  B  Waldron
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