Page 164 - 1983 Falcon
P. 164
Front llow: L ft to Right: Amanda Glf·
ford, Vlce-Presld nt; Carla oore,
cr tary
Bock llow: P nny hit • Parllam ntar.
lan; Toni lton, Tr asur r, Ashl y
lms, Pr ld nt
fst llow: Left to 11/ght: Kim Phillips, Mlch I Davis, Stacl MeG • Pal
outw II, Carla oor • Windy Durrance, Sh rrl Smith, Lisa Sml
Kathy Pearce, Kerl tan ley. Penny Ryals
2nd II ow: ecky Porter, Deldra pradley. Ang Ia xton, Ashley lm
Amy P pp rs, J nnlfer Gr ne, andy Gifford, Jennifer Martin, De
nda Gardiner, Kim Adams, Pepp r altzman, Toni elton
3rd llow: Barbara Manucy, Tara Dees, Fran Christie, M linda a c
D borah Ziegler, rend a ryant. Jennifer Cobb, Linda Williams, Lin
Finch, Diane Campb II, Georgie Stalvey, Mary Ann Wendell
4th llow: rs. Ad I ne Williams, Advisor: Teresa Fauls, Jeanette a
P nny White, ara Ch ryann, Gayathrl Murthy, Christie Johnson, Brl
g tt Vaughn, Laurl Pinson
fst llow: Lett to lllght: usan cFarland, ndy Llttl •
h rrl llllamson
2nd llow: rs. Jan Holliday. Advisor; Jayne Land,
J annl organ, Jull W Ish, onya Col
fsf llow: Lett to 11/ght: Sh rrl Williamson, S cretary
2nd llow: Jayn Land, Parllam ntarlan; onya Col • President;
Jull elsh, VIc -Pr sld nt