Page 168 - 1983 Falcon
P. 168
nls Fralick, Leann Murray. R bee·
ca Farn
1st Row: Left to Right: Steven Davis. Darryl
Thomas. Andrew Perry. Tina Webb, Tammy
Child • Darryl White. Lesll Weston. Levon
hort, Dwayn Edwards, Horace Douglas
2nd Row: V rn ka Watson. Pam Ia Perry, J n·
nlf r H ap • Shannon app, lanl Carver.
Dorothy osl y, Kim Hall H. H len Pineo.
Tammy Brown. Jamie Hightower. Debbie
3rd Row: usan Holiday, Lisa Bristow. Davl
Graham. Rob rt Duval, William Hoi , Andrew
Whorton, L sll Carmlcha I, Sandra yrd,
Kathy Coates. Sh rry cLaughlln, Kedra Og·
d n. Ruth Raymond, Janice llflower. Shan.
non Poplin,
4th Row: Jimmy Wor s. Juanita LIHI , Robin
Ov rby, Robyn Hugh y, Tonya Williams. Ang I
Prldg n, Cheryl Spran. May ltchell, Marlea
D Rosla. ad line Manning. Satonya M rrlk,
D qulta Simmons Counts. Bruce Jewel. Greg olkosky. Tommy
5th Row: ark Turner. Tracey lshop. Carl Le , F agle. Gordon Rog rs. J nnlfer James. Ml·
Travis owl s, penc r Cl v land, Debbie Par· cha 1 Meyers. Rene English
rlsh, Stev n Antal, Chris Hampton. Tracey 7th Row: Rusty Noah. Kevin Rister. Douglas
Crews. Loren Hill, Steve Moore, Karen N lson, Gelg r. Frank Prltehard, Paul Millard, Amy
St phaney Taylor. Yolanda Fulg r Ad rhold, Terry Ling r. Robbie Register, ScoH
6th Row: Carl Cray, Jody Wh I r, Chris Cox, Rayl • lchael Hunt. Michael Robins, Milton
Stev n c Ill, J rry Couchon. Chris F rger. Parker
Jonathon And rson. Robbie Register, Stephen
8th Row: Billy Rog rs. Larry Collins. Donald
lum • Jason Mummaw. Bryon Zecher. John
Calhoun, Anton Harry. Charles Bloodworth.
ark Kazml rskl, obby Jolly. Kevin Krahn.
Travis Smith, rlan Tunsll, Mr. Jones, Bandmas·