Page 21 - 1988 Falcon
P. 21
L JH caff of 1960-61, beginning with Mr Phillip Brownin , th principal: Jim
Arnold, Mary Futch, Walt Wilker on, am Markham, nn tlb ', .thel Browning,
RICk Rawleigh, econd row, 1 Hou ton, Pat Arnold, Marjorie Brown, anc'
Hunter, Allee Crawford, Vernon Hendrick , anda Bond, Rub Regi t r, Audre'
LCJH TAFF Clement , Juanita Brittain, Tom Harkleroad, third row. Ann Crow, M Ilham ,
ed Crow, BerniCe Ct e}
(a of December 19
1 principal
2 a i tant pnnClpal
1 dean of tudent
100 m tructional
per onnel
34 non- in tructional CHOOL HA 27 AR
per onnel
2 cafeteria workers HIT R
11 custodians Did you know the fir t year of Lake Ctt} Junior High wa -61? That wa th
chool year the old CH building wa op ned for grade 9 through 12 at v.-hat i
currently the Ea t Campu for grade and 9.
Until the '60- '61 chool year, grade 7 through 12 met in the arne building wh r
grade 7 meet today. The fir t JUnior htgh y ar included grad 7 and at th Duval
treet ite before integration.
It wa in 1960 that Columbta County had the fir t Falcon football team and Falcon
cheerleaders. The chool color were cho en (red and white), and th tr t m rching
band had red cap , white km , and white pant . The Falconette dance drill t am wa
not organized until 19 2.
The chool new paper wa named the BLAB after the tudent b d voted for the
title. It later changed to FALCO FEVER and progre ed from mim o raph d
editions to the current new paper pnnt and paper.
Although the chool began wtth one pnnClpal, it continued to grow in iz until it
required one pnnctpal, two a i tant pnnClpal , and a dean of tudent Mr Phillip
Browning served a pnncipal from 1 until 1976. Mr Robert pperman then
a umed the role, and he wa replaced b} Mr. Thoma D r etc m 19 r Dor ett
till erves as our principal, and Mr. Morn William erved a a 1 tant pnnctpal or 2
year until ht rettrement Augu t 19 7.