Page 26 - 1988 Falcon
P. 26
Teroc her Bradley
B rbara Brett
harity Brigg
Jacob Brown
Martin Brown
not pictured
onia Brink
Jame Brown
Jerry Brown
Mtehael Brown
Tammy Brown
T nya Brown
Dat; Brunk
tephante Buckle
Dv.-ayne Bullard
Howard Bulthuts
.hri tina Bundy
Wtllie Burkett
Angela Burnam
Ru ty Adam , Alex Amparo, and Jelani ewton props his foot on
Bobby Heckathorne attend the Eddte Jefford' knee while Melissa
fir t B ta Club meettng of the year. Rhoden and Cherry Talley think
Jelantt playmg king of the moun-