Page 182 - 1990 Falcon
P. 182
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The off1ce equipment for the new m1ddle school1s
to be delivered within the next few days. It has been
months smce the beginning of Sherlock Falcon's
investigation of the mystery of the stolen troph1es,
and time is runmng out. If only we could find our
Falcon pride, otherwise, we cannot move onto the
new school. For some of us, that would mean moving
onto Columbia High School as sophomores. For oth-
ers 1t would mean remaming at the East Campus as
freshmen, but the school would no longer be Lake
C1ty Junior H1gh. The campus 1s destmed to become
part of Columbia H1gh School. As for the rest of us, -
we w1ll move to the new Lake C1ty M1ddle School as
the f1rst classes of seventh and e1ghth graders.
In our last mterv1ew w1th Sherlock Falcon, he told
us that he had flown over the school to mvestlgate
from an aenal v1ew. "I not1ced a Jet black Corvette
w1th a large bag on the hood. I 1mmed1ately notified
the school's secunty guards, who chased the car a
m1le or two before cornenng the Corvette."
Sure enough, mascots from other schools had
tned to steal our Falcon pride. Sherlock Falcon t1ed
them up and dragged them away while Mrs. Barbara
Carpenter and Mrs. Norma Hackney polished and
replaced the troph1es m the1r cases m the front office
of East Campus. Mrs.Marg1e Ogden called the Lake
City Reporter and Mrs. Pat Rooks at the West Cam-
Sherlock Falcon reported that the mascots
confessed they were trymg to take advantage of our
trans1t1on from jumor high to m1ddle school. They
figured our pnde would be lost in the confus1on of
movmg, but they soon learned that all of us will be
takmg our Falcon pride with us.
Although the building we know as the West Campus was built in 1925, it did not become Lake Cit
Junior High until the fall of 1959. Our East Campus became Lake City Junior High in 1979. The t
campuses will once again go through a transition when the middle school opens in the fall of 199
It's no longer a secret. We know where we're going, and we know we're taking our Falcon pric
With U