Page 185 - 1990 Falcon
P. 185
Far Left: Mrs Cathy Hughes shares m the
celebration w1th her husband after he was selected
Teacher of the Year for the JUnior h1gh She 1s often
seen on campus as a substitute teacher when she
1sn't volunteenng for Mr Hughes' classes
Top Center LCJH students explore waters around the
FSU manne lab.
Above· Just days before Mrs K1m L1pthrott's baby
g1rl was born, Student Counc1l members gave a baby
shower Shown are Vick1e Payne, Enca Ead1e, Beck1
Germany, John Manning, Shaune Mayo, and Mrs.
Center: V1ck1e Payne and Bryan Cason are chosen as
Mr. and M1ss Lake City Jumor H1gh dunng the half
time of the Sp1nt Wee game
Far Left: JROTC students ra1se the flags da1ly.
Right: Esther Lee passes the secret to Jam1e Hogan.
Bottom For many mornmgs we have heard the vo1ce
of Darrell Harps as he led us m the Pledge of