Page 345 - a-history-of-columbia-county-florida-(1996)-edward-f-keuchel
P. 345

A History of Columbia County Florida (1996) Edward F. Keuchel

                                  hid ex                         334/340

       Niblack, Minnie Jones, 165, 207  Phosphate, 148
       Niblack, Silas. 114, 124       Pigeon Creek Baptist Church, 77
       Niblack, William, 25, 85       Pitts Phosphate Company, 149
       Norris, Frank, 211             Platt, Russell, 211
       Noyes and Cole saloon, 68      Plympton, M. L., 167
       Old Bethel Cemetery, 25        Plympton, M. S., 167
       “Old Bethel” Methodist Church, 78-79  Population, Columbia County: (1840-
       Old Georgia Road, 143            1860), 59; (1870-1890), 143; (1890-
       O’Leno State Park, 150-151, 191  1930), 159; (1950-1960), 199
       Old Stage Road. 142            Porter, Fred, 186
       Oliver. T. B., 153, 167        Porter, J. H. 147
       Olustee, Battle of, 100-107    Porter, William, 118
       Olustee Battle Monument, 186   Post No. 16, 54-55
       Olustee Naval Stores Experiment Sta­  Powell Family, 24
         tion, 182                    Presbyterian church, early, 80-81
       Oosterhoudt, F. S„ 181          Prevatt Family, 24, 77
       Osceola National Forest, 182   Prevatt, James, 29-30
       Osteen, Bennett D., 95          Price, George W.. 167
       Osteen Family, 24               Price, Pearl, 146
       Osteen, James, 50, 55           Providence Baptist Church, 77
       Osteen, John D., 23, 30         Providence Road, 143
       Osteen, Sarah, 77               Radford, R. T., 168
       Owens, T. H„ 170                Rafe, William, 129
       Ozaki, Nettie Black, iii, iv, 204  Raulerson, Jackson, 90
       Palmer, B. H., 167              Raulerson, Noel, 23
       Palmer, G. O., 176              Reddick, Thomas, 148, 151
       Palmer, O. R„ 167               Reed, J. N.. 150
       Palmer, R. N., 146              Reed, William M., 29
       Parnell, Charles, 209           Rehoboth Baptist Church, 78
       Parnell, J. J., 168             Renfroe, J. D., 186
       Parrish, Allen, 24              Ridgeway, David, 69
       Parrish Family, 24              Rivers. L. W., 144
       Paul, A. G„ 179-180             Riviere, J. P„ 167
       Payne, James W., 144            Robarts, Hal, 186
       Peabody Graded and High School, 147,   Roberts, Arthur, 95
         165                           Roberts, A. C., 89
       Pennington, W. M„ 168           Roberts, Abraham I., 26
       Pensacola and Georgia Railroad, 72   Roberts, C. D., 167
       Pent, Peter, 85-86              Roberts Family, 24
       Peoples, John, 60               Roberts, John W., 28-29
       Perkins, May Vinzant, 203-204   Roberts, Thomas L., 95
       Perry, J. R„ 176                Roberts, Zachariah Randall, 78
       Perry, M. A., 168               Robinson, J. W., 167
       Perry, T. A. (Mrs.), 168        Rogers, Robert Tur mon, 206
       Phillips, Herbert E„ 203        Rollinson, C. H., 168
       Phillips, Jack, 211             Rosner, William, 196
       Phillips, J. J„ 181             Ross, Charles, 90
       Phillips, William, 186          Ross, Charles B„ 124, 126

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