Page 346 - a-history-of-columbia-county-florida-(1996)-edward-f-keuchel
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A History of Columbia County Florida (1996) Edward F. Keuchel  335/340

                        A History of Columbia County, Florida

            Ross, William B., 60, 68-69, 74-76   Thompson, S. B., 146
            Rumph, C. S. (Mrs.), 184       Thompson, W. F., 167
            Sandlin,'j. H., 170. 193       Tiffins, John, 48
            Sanford, M. J., 85             Tillis Family, 56-57
            Sapp, M. J., 167               Tillis, James, 148
            Scarborough, M. M., 167        Timucuan Indians, 1-4
            Sea Island cotton, 143         Tolbert Family, 25
            Seminole Indians, 10-16, 33    Tolbert, John H., 92
            Shealey, Alfred (Mrs.), 211    Tolbert, Joseph M., 156
            Shealey Family, 80             Tomlinson, R. E., 167
            Shealey, P., 89                Townsend, W. A., 168
            Sheppard, W. P., 167           Trezvent, Daniel, 69
            Sherman, Stephen, 121          Tribble, Charles, 186
            Shofner, Jerrell, 125          Tustenuggee Road, 143
            Simmons, Joseph, 131            University of Florida (Lake City), 160
            Slavery, 59-68                  Vansant, William, 58, 77
            Sledd, Andrew, 163              Vanzant, Bryan, 58
            Sledd. Frances, 163-164         Vanzant, Garrett, 60, 92
            Smith, M. Whit, 71-72, 91       Veterans Administration Hospital, 177
            Smithson, G. B., 142            Vinzant, Birdie May, 146
            Snelgrove Family, 80           Vinzant, John, 147
            Snelgrove, George, 85          Vinzant, W. B., 148
            Snowdon, Charles S., 147       Wade, N. G., 181
            South Prong Baptist Church, 78  Ward, Roy, 197
            Spanish missions, 4-10         Watts, D. A., 167, 168
            Sparkman Family, 24            Weaver, Prince, 123
            Sparkman, James, 29            Weeks Family, 24
            Speir, Allison, 89             Weeks, Francis M., 129
            Staten, Q. B., 167              Weeks, Theophilus, 30, 77
            St. James Academy, 147         Wells Family, 24
            Stevens, Brantley, 180         Whetstone, G. M., 151
            Stewart, “Stuffy”, 185         White Springs Road, 142
            Streety, J. D., 167             Williams, H. R., 151
            Summerall, Charles P., 186, 206   Williams, Melissa, 208
            Summerall Family, 24            Williamson Family, 24
            Summerall, Jacob, 26, 30        Wilson, Claude Augustus, 66-67
            Summerall, Pat, 206            Wilson, Ed, 168
            Summerall, T. J., 142, 151      Wilson, George W., 203
            Summerlin, Jacob, 31           Wilson, H. A., 168
            Suwannee Shoals, Florida, 151   Wilson, Horace, 146
            Swidnle, Jordan, 69            Wilson, Horace, Jr., 186
            Teasdale, Henry, 90            Wilson, Hugh A., 196
            Tebeau, Charleton W., 60       Wire Road, 142
            Terry, J. P„ 148               Wise, A. R., 167
            Thomas, Leo, 186               Witt, Adam, 90
            Thomas R. B„ 89                Witt Family, 25, 80
            Thomas, Stephen, 131           Witt, Ralph. 204-205
            Thompson, J. S., 167           Wood, J. S., 73

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