Page 81 - history-of-military-units-in-columbia-county-fl-(1970)-robert-gary-shields
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History of Military Units in Columbia County, FL (1970) Robert Gary Shields

                                                  REPORTS ON STATE ACTIVE DUTY

                          Capt. Cox Report on Lake City disturbance:

                                                                       Armory Company H, 1st Infantry
                                                                       Lake City, May 27, 1904

                          The Adjutant-General,
                               State of Florida.          .    '
                          SIR:- I have the honor to report that in compliance with your telegraphic
                          order I have been acting with Sheriff Cone since 8 p.m. yesterday.
                               Company not assembled, as Sheriff expects no trouble until
                                I forward herewith copies of order issued to Company this
                          morming. There are only twenty enlisted men in town at present, but
                          expect others to return by Sunday.
                               Unless speedy trial here, would advise removal of prisoners
                          tomorrow, as Saturday night will probably bring trouble. It is a
                          case of rape, confessed to by the prisoners.
                                                            Very respectfully,
                                                                  NELSON H. COX
                                                                       Captain 1st Infantry
                                                                       Commanding Company "H"

                                                                        Office of the Adjutant-General,
                                                                       Tallahassee, May 27, 1904,4:00pm
                          Captain Nelson H. Cox,
                               Company "H,r 1st Infantry
                                     Lake City, Florida
                               Report received. Action approved. Continue to co-operate with
                          the Sheftff. Caution men avoid creating any excitement.


                                                                       Armory Company "H" 1st Infantry
                                                                       Lake City, ^4ay 28, 1904
                          The Adjutant-General
                               Staitae of Florida
                                     Tallahassee, Florida

                          SIR - L have the honor to report that at the request of the Shefiff,
                          this Company mounted guard at the jail from 9:30 p.m. yesterday until
                          4:30 this morning. Two commissioned officers and seventeen enlisted
                               Still believe it c;wise to remove prisoners, as it will be doubtless
                         be necessary to place a guard every night for some time if prisoners
                          are to be                                                   •
                                                            NELSON H COX
                                                      ‘               Executive Office,
                                                                      Tallahassee, May 28, 1904
                          Sheriff W. N. Cone
                               Lake City, Florida
                               It is the order of the Governor that you take prisoners to Jackson-
                          ville on first train. If too late to catch this afternoon"s train, brin<
                          them to Tallahassee tonight
                                                            C. H. DICKINSON
                                                                  Private Secretary

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