Page 82 - history-of-military-units-in-columbia-county-fl-(1970)-robert-gary-shields
P. 82

History of Military Units in Columbia County, FL (1970) Robert Gary Shields

                                                    REPORTS ON STATE ACTIVE DUTY

                          Report on Lake City disturbance:

                                                                   Headquarters, Second Battalion,
                                                                        First Infantry,
                                                                              Lake City, Florida
                          The Adjutant General,
                                State of Florida,
                                      Tallahassee, Florida
                                Sir:  In the matter of aiding the Sheriff of Columbia County,
                          Hon. D. W. Purvis, in preserving order andmprotecting prisoners in his
                          charge, I have the honor to report:
                                During the night of Tuesday, April 28, last, I received a telegraph
                          message from the Governor informing me that information had veen receive
                          by him that an attempt might be made to lynch one Edgar J. Watson
                          and one Frank Rees, then in the custody of the Sheriff of Columbia
                          County, Florida, and directing me, as Post Commander at Lake City, to
                          take every precaution to protect said persons, using the local militia,
                           if, the same should be deemed advisable.
                                Immediately upon receipt of this telegram; which reached me at
                          about ten o'clodk, p.m., I Iqot into communication with Sheriff Purvis,
                          and was informed by him, that, while there had been some serious
                          threats of mob violence-directed against the prisoners, Watson and
                          Rees, Yet, he did not believe at that time the situation was sufficientl
                          serious to call the aid of the State Troops.. The result of this
                          conference was reported to the Governor that night.
                                On the next day, the 29 of April, the situation here seemed to be
                          more acute, and the threats of danger some-what more likely to
                          materialize than on the previous day, and I was put upon notice,
                          informally, by the Sheriff, that a call for the troops was not.
                          unlikely. Thereupon I wired the Governor for permission to have placed
                          at my command Company "H" of Lake City, and "E" of Live Oak, both
                          of the First Regiment, if such should finally be found to be necessary,
                          which request was granted be telegraphic orders from the office of
                          the Adjutant General.
                                On Thursday, the 30 of April, The prisoners, Watson and Rees, the
                          former a white man and the latter a negro, were before the Court at
                          Lake City, charged with the murder of a white man by the name of Mike
                          Tolen. It might be well to explain here that a few months previous
                          to the killing of Mike Tolen, which appeard to have been an assaasinatic
                          his brother was likewise murdered, also an assassination, both in the
                          open daylight, and near the same place in the southern portion of the
                          county. These killings seemed to have worked up considerable
                          excitement in the community where, they occurred, and a great many of
                          the people residing there appeared to believe that the prisoners
                          were responsible for the killing, at least, of Mike Tolen. Shortly
                          after Mike Tolen was ..killed, Watson and Rees were arrested and
                          almost immediately carried out of the county, on account of the fact
                          that, there had been threats of lynching, and the Sheriff feared mob
                          violence. When the present term of the Circuit Court convened, at
                          Lake City, on April 27, the prisoners were brough back and placed in
                          the county jail of this county. At once there began io be spread
                          about rumors of mob violence towards the prisoners, and upon various
                          occasions the news was brought to the Sheriff and to the Post
                          Commander, not from very reliable sources, however, that mobs swere
                          being formed or were about to be formed for the purpose of doing
                          instant execution as against Watson and Rees. None of these rumors
                          could be run down to any original source, and it is the opinion now,
                          of the undersigned, as well as the Sheriff, that they, were principally

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