Page 294 - lake-city-florida-a-sesquicentennial-tribute-(h-morris-williams-kevin-mccarthy)-2009
P. 294

Lake City, Florida: A Sesquicentennial Tribute (2009) H. Morris Williams, Dr. Kevin M. McCarthy

                              Ferran, C.H. 100     Fl. East Coast       Forest Service Cons.
                              Fesperman, F.I. 189,  Lumber Co. 115      Services 221
                              215                  Fl. Exp. Station 38  Forester, H.G. 136
                              Fiedler, Arthur 113  Fl. Female College   Fort Alligator 11,207
                              Figueroa, J. Fermin  84                   Fort Lancaster 10,
                              123                  Fl. Forest Service   117
                              Fike, David 237      221                  Fort White 8,10,42,
                              Finegan, Joseph 20,  Fl. Highway Patrol   236,244,267
                              21,138               221,226              Forum Society 51
                              Finley, Annie 71     Fl. Index 104        Foster Hall 72
                              fire chiefs 33,36    Fl. Nat. Guard 11    Frazier, B. 230
                              fire dept. 36,41,    Fl. Railroad 68      Freedom Tree 271
                              113,157              Fl. Railway 93       Freeman Jr., Eugene
                              fires 22,28,31,30,   Fl. Road Dept. 221   247
                              36,59,115,141,234    Fl. State Univ. 173,  Freeman, Allen 189
                              First Bap. Ch. 18,40,  186,187,224,253    Frink, L.F. 66
                              101,137,153,180,     Flagler Gymnasium    Fulford, C.A. 139
                              216,284              240                  Fulger, Theodore 226
                              First National Bank  Flagler, Henry 70    Fulks, J.H. 105
                              117,129,140          Flanagan, Michael    Futch, Alvin 102
                              First Presb.         261,268              Futch, J.M. 66
                              Ch.35,37,150,167,    Flanagan, Thelma     Futch, R.D. 124
                              180,252,255          186-87               Future Farmers of
                              First United Meth.   Fleet Reserve        Am. 163,171
                              Ch. 189              Assoc. 206
                              Fl. A&M Univ. 19,84  Fleming, Samuel 71   Ga. Southern and Fl.
                              Fl. Agric. College   football 58,79,84,89,  Railway 65,68
                              27,37-39,43-58,68-   105,107,108,165,166,  Gainesville 27,79,
                              85,87,105,114,155,201,  122-24,127,128,149,  81,85,105,260
                              202,155,240,260,272  150,181,182,197,198,  Galloway, Buford
                              Fl. Atl. & Gulf      217,223-25,231,257,  217,234,236
                              Central RR 25        258,260,265          Game & Fr. Wat.
                              Fl. Baptist          Ford, Leonard 247    Comm. 221
                              Convention 87        Ford, S. 230         Gannon, Michael 18
                              Fl. Baptist Witness  Forest Hills 85      Garbett, Jimmy 247
                              32                   Forest Ranger        Gateway Theater
                              Fl. Brigade 24       School (see U. of Fl.  285
                              Fl. Central RR 25    Forest Ranger        Gemmer, Eugene
                              Fl. Dept. of Correct.  School)            204


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