Page 292 - lake-city-florida-a-sesquicentennial-tribute-(h-morris-williams-kevin-mccarthy)-2009
P. 292
Lake City, Florida: A Sesquicentennial Tribute (2009) H. Morris Williams, Dr. Kevin M. McCarthy
Centennial Cleveland Hall 36 Combs, Celestine
celebration 210-13, Clute, Oscar 44,47, 209
218,260 51,52,53 Combs, Lucille 151
Chalker Bros. & Clutonian Soc. 52 Community Fair
Price 63 Coates Mill 36 Action Cmte. 217
Chalker, Roy 70 Cochran, H.G. 182, community theater
Chalker, Tom 40 188,196 259
Chambers, Kinsey Coles, V. 230 Cone, Fred 103, 142,
12 Collier, L.O. 240 154,155,159,180
Charles, Bruce 268 Collins, Julian 261 Cone, Hutchison 39
Charles, Ruben 26, Collins, Leroy 233 Cone, Mildred 159
33 Collins, T.C. 66 Cone, Mrs. D.N. 57
Charles, Rupert 42 Collins Bank 36 Cone, Sarah 155
Chautauqua 144-45 Colquitt, General 20 Cone, William 70,155
Cheshire, J. 116 Columbia College 87, Cook, Albert 97
Chittum, David 253 105-11,114,123,272, Cooley Jr., Ernest
Ch. of Commerce 284 217
245 Col. Cty. Bank 90 Cooper, Ed 141
CHS Alumni Assoc. Col. Cty. Courthouse Couey, Mannie 92
197 90,121,134,193,269 Couming, Paul 189
CHS band 150 Col. Cty. Hist. Mus. Cox, Dr. 114
Citizen-Reporter 254,262 Cox, Lt. 58
104 Col. Cty. Hist. Soc. Cox, Gene 181,197,
City Hall 31,36,117, 260 198
191,217,270 Columbia Forestry Cox, Leo 188
Civil War 16,17,19, School 177-79,203 Coxe, R.H. 67
20-22,26,29,33,138 Columbia Graded Crawford, Mary 183
Clark, A.B. 211 and High School 86 Crews, Doyle 261
Clark, John 247,271 Columbia High Criswell, Mr. 105
Clark, Patricia 253 School 40, 86,105, Crocker, Adam 266
Clark, Tom 263,264 106,122-28,135, Crowley, J.S. 100
Clayton, Dorman 140,143,149-51,163, Cuba 122
266 165-66,170,181,182, Cuban Tel. Line 32
Clements, Clarence 190,197-200,222-
189 25,231,246,248,253, Daniels, Sylvia 227
Clements, Ivan 189 265,272 Daniels, Edith 227
Clements, Joe 170 Columbia Theater Darby, Herbert 248
Cleopatra Steele 285 Davis Walgreen Dr.
Ministries 284 Columbian St. 220
Clerk, S.L. 102 (yearbook) 124 Davis, E. 230
288 LCH-UUID: 7C3282B3-DDE1-49C3-985A-3A9C9467368D