Page 8 - lake-city-florida-a-sesquicentennial-tribute-(h-morris-williams-kevin-mccarthy)-2009
P. 8

Lake City, Florida: A Sesquicentennial Tribute (2009) H. Morris Williams, Dr. Kevin M. McCarthy

                                        Chapter Two: 16  and 17  Centuries

                                                                  The first Europeans in the
                                                                Lake City area were probably
                                                                Hernando de Soto and his

                                                                band of Spanish explorers. In
                                                                1539, de Soto and his Spanish
                                                                troops arrived in the Tampa
                                                                Bay area, began marching north
                                                                looking for gold and treasure,
                                                                and committed many atrocities
                                                                on the Native Americans they
                                                                met en route. They  eventually
                                                                headed west, where de Soto
                                                                died near the Mississippi River

                                     Hernando de Soto           in 1542.

                                                                  According to archaeologist
                              Jerald Milanich, de Soto’s expedition met a large Native American
                              group that scholars refer to as the northern Utina, part of a larger
                              western Timucuan group.  The northern Utina, some of whom lived
                              near Lake City, lived in separate villages led by powerful chiefs who
                              had alliances with one another.

                                     In the first two decades of the 17  century, Spanish
                              missionaries established a string of missions west of St. Augustine.
                              Archaeologist Jerald  Milanich identifies one of them, the Indian Pond
                              site in Columbia County west of Lake City, as Santa Cruz de Tarihica. 4
                              The purpose of the missions was to convert the Indians to Christianity,
                              better control the area, and prevent incursions by other European
                              countries, especially England and France.


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